Petroleum Division


The aim of the Petroleum Division is to support the Government’s effort to develop the Nation’s discovered and potentially discoverable petroleum resources by promoting, monitoring and regulating all activities directly related to the exploration, development and production of petroleum in Papua New Guinea.


The objectives of the Petroleum Division are as follows:

  1.  To actively promote the petroleum exploration potential of Papua New Guinea through production of geological reports on basin prospectively.
  2.  To monitor petroleum exploration and development activities.
  3.  To administer Petroleum Prospecting, Retention, Development and Pipeline Licenses.
  4.  To access the results of exploration, development and production activities.
  5.  To advise the Department and other arms of Government on technical aspects of exploration, development and production activity, results   of activity, levels of production and reserves and feasibility of projects.
  6.  To ensure the receipt of, and approving the dissemination of petroleum exploration, development and production data, reports and samples.
  7.  To drain and develop specialized citizen manpower in collaboration with the Support Services Division.
  8.  To bring about understanding issues associated with petroleum exploration, development and production by all parties concerned particularly landowners.
  9.  To coordinate and lead policy developers in Departmental, industry and public forums.
  10.  To evaluate the economic, financial and legal implications of exploration and development of petroleum resources for the State, Provincial  Government and landowners.
  11.  To coordinate and effect the negotiation and drafting of agreements between the State, project developers, Provincial Governments and landowners relating to petroleum and exploration and development activities.


The Petroleum Division consist of the following branches:


1. Registry and Licensing Branch

The Registry and licensing Branch is responsible in administering License and Compliance fucntions of the Department in relation to provisions of the Oil and Gas Act

2. Exploration Branch

The Exploration Branch is made up of two sections, namely, Archives and Geoscience. The branch plays an important role in the promotion of exploration acreage (through promotions and appraisal studies), monitoring and administration, and regulation of exploration survey operations in existing-active petroleum licenses or acreages operated in the country.

3. Engineering Branch

The Petroleum Engineering provides technical engineering services that mainly focuses on monitoring and regulating designing processes and technology that for the allow the development and exploitation of crude oil and natural gas fields as well as the technical analysis, computer modeling, and forecasting of their future productions.

It aims to Provide the best advice to government on the technical and related economic aspects of exploration and production operations in PNG with the view to maximize returns for the people of PNG from the extraction of hydrocarbon resources and to ensure compliance with the Oil and Gas Act and the Petroleum Regulations by the various licensees in PNG and monitor, regulate and promote the petroleum industry in PNG.

4. Coordination Branch

Coordination Branch of the DPE is a the very important branches that facilitates, caters and coordinates issues with the resource owners on behalf of the state. This branch is directly responsible in dealing with the resource owners by facilitating clan vetting, assist them identify ILGs and ensure their landowner payments are disbursement into their proper ILG accounts. The interest of the resource owners is far more crucial which are facilitated under this branch with other stake holders such as Treasury, National Finance, KPHL, Exxon Mobil, Oil Search. DLPP, National Government, Provincial Government and LLG.

5. Policy Branch

The Policy Branch of the Department of Petroleum and Energy focuses mainly on all issues related to policy. It administers and coordinates policies in relation to petroleum with its stakeholders in the extractive industry. The Assistant Director Policy Branch coordinates key policy issues and activities by assisting and advising Petroleum Director of the proposed remedies to curtail policy issues, the relation to Oil and Gas issues, the existing agreements, MOAs and other related ones.